Sunday, May 30, 2010

Wan Qi and the three little kittens

We saw three kitten at the void deck of my mum's flat so we brought Wan Qi to see them.
They were so adorable and yet pitiful as it was raining dogs and cats that night. Wan Qi suggested adopting them but I said cant as we have Milky and Milky will bite them. Can t imagine Wan Qi bringing stray cats back home next time which was what I did when I was young. I was telling my mum that day that I must given her so many headaches to my mum last time as I always bring stray cats, dogs, tortoise, tadpoles(not knowing they will turn to frogs) , water snails, goldfish back home. My mum just laugh. How noble of my mum to tolerate me. haha I will definitely not tolerate that. But Xihong said he will if Wan Qi really want to have a cat. He really pampered her. :>

1 comment:

kkf said...

wow, xihong really dotes on sweetie wanqi.