Thursday, May 20, 2010

Does Wan Qi look like a baker?

This is Wan Qi's new uniform. Does she look like a baker? When Wan Qi first wore this set of uniform, Xihong teased her, saying she looked like a baker.
Last week, I went to the hospital to do my checkup so I was able to send Wan Qi to school together with my mum and dad. It was a surprise for Wan Qi. I was in Bus 51 and I called my mum to wait till I board Bus 51. So when Wan Qi saw me in Bus 51, she was overjoyed. I was very happy too, to be able to send her to school with both my parents.


kkf said...

better than dash's cherie hearts nation, everybody said looks like nation maid uniform. haha

wanqi said...
