Thursday, January 31, 2008

Gu Ni Biang

1Sept 2006 was a big day for Qi Qi. In the afternoon she had her haircut and in the evening she had a row of biscuits on her neck. Don't know if thats the reason for her craze for biscuits. :>

We bought some Gu Ni Biang and my mum used a string to chain them up and hang on Wan Qi's neck. The purpose: so that she doesnt drool in the next coming months. And true enough she doesnt.

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

My little botak QiQi

Wan Qi is 4mths old. My mum says she needs a haircut so that she will have more hair. ok fine. So I brought Wan Qi to traditional barber shop at my mum's place cos I have a phobia of modern hairstylist like the junior league or something. One of the reason being it's ex $16 for a baby's haircut and another reason being the hairstylists are inexperienced. Even with all the cartoons, toys to distract the toddler, my nephew 's ear was still accidentally cut by the hairstylist.

Everybody accompanied Wan Qi to the barber shop for her first haircut, it's a BIG EVENT for all of us. Ha Xihong, my dad, my mum, my maid and of course myself. :)

Before the haircut, she is brave ya not crying. Look at her hair, so little.

Hee, I think the mother needs a haircut more badly than the baby.

The Haircutting ceromany begins!!!!

She's brave. Holding back her tears.

Boo Hoo cannot take it lia. The sound of the razor scares her.

See, my little botak QiQi tata. Happily sucking her thumb again!
Hee after her cut, she is all dressed up in her new clothes .

3 mth old now

Wan Qi is 3 mth old! She had her second immunisation on 2nd Aug 2006.

And at about 10pm, my maid told me that she think Baby Wan Qi had a fever. As a first time mum, I was panicked and quickly rushed her to the nearest clinic. Unfortunately, the clinics are all closed and Xihong is not back from work. So I decided to go and look for my sis-in-law. They assured me it's ok and normal, Wan Qi only has a mild fever due to the injection and they gave her some baby panadol. Wow what a relieve. When I reached home, I put the cooling pad on Wan Qi's forehead. Soon after that she's ok again. Yipee and since she's ok so I took a picture of her with the cooling pad on. I thought she looked cute.
Back home Wan Qi is sound asleep. We call her little piggie because she can continue to HUI ZHOUGONG even when many of my ex colleagues come and visit her. I remember we were laughing and talking loudly in the room but she never wakes up to see who are the ' noisy bunch', she just continue sleeping. See, that's
how she got her nickname. Hmm she has been a very good baby throughout my confinement, even the confinement lady commented that she is very easy to take care except on one particular day. No matter how the confinement lady tried to hoax her to sleep, she doesnt want and continue to cry until the confinement lady and my mum said maybe she want MaMa. So I carried her and instantly she stopped crying. And guess what my eldest sister called and wished my mum a Happy Mother's Day. Then we thought oh maybe that's the reason- It's Mother's Day and she wanted me to carry her. hee hee so sweet:)

Let's Go Home Together

On 2nd May 2006, Baby and I are discharged from KK. Yipee! I decided to take a picture of Wan Qi in her KK uniform for memento. :) Next, let her wear her first outing clothes which I had bought for her in Nan Chiau Pri Sch. Hmm, she is all in PINK. See.

At this point of time barely 2 days old, she really looks like her papa, Xihong. Especially her face shape her chin is pointed. phew
I was telling my sis because I dont want her to be like me- DA BING LIAN. hee.
okie Baby let's go home. In fact, We decided to name her Wan Qi
It's Xihong her papa thought of this name. I insisted on having Qi
which means pretty and having good moral so he thought of Wan Qi lor. :) So Baby Wan Qi let's go home!
Oh my mum says must put a stone on her chest so that she will not be scared. And I remember my neighbour say must put one of papa's slipper in the living room (one of it leave at the corridor)so that she will not be scared. Since I am kiasu and pandan decided to do both things jus to play safe.

Monday, January 28, 2008

Labour Day Morning 2006

The very next day, Labour Day morning @eight plus. My mum and dad came. My mum carried Wan Qi in her arms. Hee a very proud Grandma!

Soon after that my LAO JIE and Wan Qi's PANG PANG YI ZHANG arrived. My sis carried Wan Qi and the person with that artificial smile is Wan Qi's PANG PANG YI ZHANG lo. kekeke.

Everyone commented that Wan Qi looks just like his papa Xi Hong which i agree too. But as she grow bigger I think she also begins to look like me.

my little wan qi pops out on labour day

I was reading my colleague's blog today and was guilty that I did not write a blog about my baby girl. So a computer idiot (which is ME) decided to take the first plunge. haha to write a blog about my baby girl, Wan qi. Looking back, I think she has really grown up.
It has been twenty mths since I gave birth to her but I can still remember vividly the day when my water bag burst. It was in the middle of the night and suddenly I could feel my water bag leaking. Immediately, I headed towards the toilet to have a shower and pour large amount of shampoo onto my hair as I am prepared to abstain myself from shampooing my hair for one month. In the middle of my shower, there was a sudden gush of water coming out from me and I thought "oh dear this is real! I am going to deliver soon." I wanted to break this news to my husband who was sleeping (2 to 3am)at that time. I called softly as I knew my hubby will be very anxious and I did not want to scare him. "Dear, dear" I called softly but nevertheless my hubby still jump up from the bed and asked me "what is it dear"and I told him "I am going to deliver soon and I told him not to panick" haha as if I am very calm but frankly I was at that time.
I did not experience any pain until about four hours later. My hubby even went all the way to orchard lido to buy fillet o fish for me. I was puzzled why didnt he go the bugis branch since we are at KK hospital and he told me he cant remember. haha i guess he was just too anxious.
Then the pain intensified, but my dilation is terrible. I am just not dilating ah ah ah. Nurses kept coming in to persuade me to take epidural but I was determined not to. My hubby also asked me to consider and from his eyes I knew he was ver stress he even teared. (I was touched cos I know he teared because he couldnt bear to see me in pain)It was until the 18th hours that the nurse told me to take as she estimated that I will take another 7 to 8 hours before I am ready to deliver.
Upon hearing that, I agreed and the whole process is a yaky one so scary and painful. And true enough after about 6 hours, I was truly in labour. My hubby was trying to help by saying encouraging things. I remember he said"Dear, she s coming out already. JIA YOU" I thought oh great baby is coming out. Until he added"I can see 1/4 of the head lia" After hearing this I was half dead think that I still have a long way to go. All these while, I was actually looking at the clock. In fact, I hope time passes slowly cos I want my baby to born on labour day. Why?
So that I dont have to use a weekend car coupon. haha can save $20. heehee. And she did,
my baby was born on Labour Day. What an obedient baby! My TAI JIAO is not wasted.
After the labour, I kept vomitting greenish things. It was terrible and I was trumatised by the long labour. Can't really sleep. But at last, my baby girl was born and on Labour Day 2006. :)