Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Wan Qi s First Sport's Day

Last Friday 23May 2010 was Wan Qi's first sports day. Unfortunately, I need to be in school so I cant go and support her. However, my mum went. My dad wanted to go too but he was not feeling well so my mum went alone.
My mum helped me to take some photographs and even video recorded their sports day but as there were too many people so it was not filmed very well.
Wan Qi told me she did some hopscotch and zig jaw. It was a very short item for her. In the end, she nearly fell asleep. In the end, her teacher Mrs Loong went over to her. She woke up and told the teacher she was just pretending to faint and laughed????? My little Wanqi - she is always so chicky even to her teacher.
The teacher told my mum about this incident and said that it's really a bit boring for the little ones as they have to sit there for 2.5hours watching their brothers and sisters thats why Wan Qi fell asleep. But she told my mum that Wan Qi is very independent. She knows exactly what is expected of her and can perform her task very well.
I am relieved to hear that. Anyway after she went to her school, I could see the immediate change in her. She stopped scolding her stuff toys. In fact, now she will act like a big sister and will wrap you round the shoulder when she wants to ask you a question. This I believe is the way how her teacher talked to her. :) In fact, all her teachers are very kind. Her chinese teacher will give them a rub on the head and body before letting them come out of the aircon classrooms (witnessed by my mum)
And when Wan Qi has anything nice, she will want to give to her teachers just like when she is in Dayspring. :>

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