Saturday, January 29, 2011

Wan Qi and her dearest cousin in the same school

My little niece waving happily to her dearest Ye Ye(Grandpa). In fact, she was searching for her Ye Ye before entering the school to say good bye to him. However, the door was overcrowded and his Ye Ye was being blocked by other parents. So I had to tell her Ye Ye that her little granddaughter was looking to wave at him. After seeing her Ye Ye, she happily waved and even gave a flying kiss to him. (For some reason, granddaughters always seem to adore grandpas. Just like myself and Wan Qi, we love our grandpas too.)Then she walked into the hall insisting on carrying her own bag. (As Wan Qi offered to take for her)

Wan Qi loves her little cousin Xuan Ning who is studying in the same school as Wan Qi now. She will offer to carry her bag for her. And when they meet each other in the school whether it is in the toilet or corridor, she will kiss and hug her. So now both of them are "famous" in school. The teacher was telling me about Wan Qi being very excited whenever she sees her cousin in school. And I repiled "oh ya cos she loves her alot". After that I thought the teacher might not want to hear this after all, she might actually want me to apologise to her as I think it can be quite disturbing if Wan Qi suddenly move out from her queue to hug her little cousin. Or was it me who is reading too much into my conversation with the teacher. Haha as I myself is a teacher, I will tend to think that there may be some other underlying meaning which the teacher tried to put it nicely across to me. Too paranoid Xihong would say. But no choice, as we are trained to say nice things to parents during meet the parents session, I thought so do kindergarten teachers.

Nevertheless, I didnt stop Wan Qi from hugging her little cousin in school. Cos she is really irresistable!Though she is of a small build, she is a really brave girl. She didnt cry on the first day of school. In fact, she was smiling away happily.
Even when she tried to hold her friend and her friend caused her to fall down, she didnt cry, she just stand up by herself and moves on. Very independant little gal.
Everyday without fail, I will give her a hug before rushing to school. Still waiting for her to call me Yi YI though. :P

1 comment:

eugeniasim said...

hi, chance upon your blog when researching about LSK.

Would appreciate if i can ask you more about this kindergarten?