Tuesday, January 4, 2011

1st Day Of School 2011

I am very lousy when it comes to tying hair but I tried my best today. And tala. Wan Qi said she looks like Rapunzel.

Today is Wan Qi's first day of school. My mum had to work till 10am and I couldnt bathe WanQi since I just had my operation so I asked Wan Qi to bathe on her own. She did this a few time during the holidays with Xihong's supervision so I supposed she will be ok.
And indeed, she was able to wash her hair, brush her teeth without all the fuss. (Whether clean or not , this I am not very sure. haha but I checked her teeth and brush for her again)But one thing which I thought is very clever about her is she actually put a small pail underneath her when she is washing her hair. The water collected was then poured to a bucket which she told me can be used to flush the toilet afterwards. Brilliant! Then when she bathe, she put the pail in between her legs and collected some water too. haha It was so cute to see her bathing herself. Brought back fond memories when my mum bathed her in the small small tub back then when she was so tiny.And now she knows how to bathe by herself and even know how to save water for us. gegege
After this piece of good news. The bad new was my mum cannot bring Wan Qi to school as she said the stall was packed with people. Arrggg. So even after having operation, I had no choice but to bring Wan Qi to school. Feel strained after the whole thingy as I was advised not to carry heavy things, however I need to bring Wan Qi's stuff plus need to carry her to the public toilet. (I hoped that will not cause any problem )but I am also happy to see Wan Qi listening attentively to her teacher even when her friend sitting next to her was disturbing the person beside her. (This is the only time where parents are allowed to stand outside the classroom to watch the kids)She also participated actively during their sing a long session with all the actions. Good job Wan Qi!

At about 2:45pm, I went to fetch Wan Qi. I am glad to see my dad. So he helped me to carry all my things. We reached home earlier as my dad told Wan Qi that I need to have a good rest. So Wan Qi agreed. And here I am off for my bed rest.


kkf said...

wanqi first day in k1! wow! she will do very well!
you have to rest. dun bring her to school anymore till you fully recover lar...

blisstan said...

What operation you had? Take care and rest well, friend.