Saturday, January 29, 2011

Reunion Dinner @ Ban Heng Restaurant

I love this cheong sum but its really to ex 52.90 so i didnt buy for Wan Qi. She loves the bag but I didnt buy for as its too ex too 26.90. haha Ya I am a stingy mummy. But I bought the pair of sandals 30.90

Preparing to LO YU San. See Wan Qi holding on to the chopstick ready to LO. She can use the chopsticks using both her left and right hand. Amazing!Picking up peanuts with chopsticks in restaurant is a good training for her.

This year we decided to have our reunion dinner in a restaurant. As I just had my operation and it will be a bit tiring for us to prepare. So we opted for Ban Heng as we always see crowd in this ulu restaurant near our place. Hence, we thought of giving it a try. Unfortunately, it was ex and the food was not delicious at all. We paid 368 bucks for not so great dishes. Our last and only time to this restaurant.
After that, we went searching for Wan Qi's shoe and we got it at bloom B vivocity.
It cost 30.90 which I thought it was very expensive. But after chit chatting with colleagues, I realised that this price is the norm in fact its considered cheap. Gosh cost of living in Singapore is really gettin higher and higher.
To end the day, we went to Bakerzin. After purchasing the membership card, all our birthday cakes are from there. We love their cakes and the ice cream is yummy too.

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