Thursday, June 27, 2013

Jewel Cave

 Went to Jewel Cave to explore. Xihong said for experience sake. So we went.
I thought it will be very cold as the China and Korea caves that we went previously is very cold.
But this Jewel Cave is not cold at all cos there isn't water, is not damp which is unusual for a cave.
This is due to no rain plus there are many tree roots so its dry. So its different from China and Korea caves. Actually China cave that Wan Qi and I had seen before is more spectacular than this Jewel Cave as there are many ponds in the cave so there are beautiful reflections. Nonetheless, its good that Wan qi know that even caves are not the same. I didn't know this myself until I see Jewel Cave.
Still not tall enough
Having hot chocolate at Jewel Cave café. Nice scenery. Relaxing.
Mr Yeo teasing Wan Qi again.
Mr Yeo's favourite - hot chocolate.
My childhood ICE CREAM but I remember mine cost 50 cents only this cost AU$5.
But it brings back good memories for me seriously. My childhood is a fun one. haha.
In the cave
After exploring the cave, we went back to our chalet to have home cooked food. Cos we felt that its too dangerous to drive. Cos it will be pitch dark by the time we go back plus it will be foggy cos we actually live in the forest :)
Spagetti and broccoli again haha but for some reason the spaghetti that I bought in Perth seems to be tastier than the one I bought in Singapore. Tonight, we have orange juice as bonus that we had bought in Coles Margaret River.
After dinner, we sprang into action again. The possums are familiar with us already so they are alright wen we stay very close with them.
This is the door from our bedroom. We are only about 30cm apart from the possums. They begin to trust us. Yipee!!! Two possums came instead of 1 tonight!!!  A few woylies came too. By the way, woylies are the endangered animals in Perth. The owner of this chalet was commended for their efforts in protecting them. They did this by fencing their chalets with electric fence so that the predators of woylies will not enter to eat the young of the woylies. Cool!!! Woylies are very very timid. When they are eating at our doorstep, the slightest sound will scare them away. So we had to keep very still. We managed to stand outside with them on the last day though :P
Greeted by Piggy in the morning on our very last day. Really cant bear to leave this cute fellow.
Wan qi cried like mad when we are leaving. In fact, I also teared. This fellow is really a sweetie pie unlike her daughter or son. Her daughter or son will make a fierce sound when you fed her too slowly or try to touch her. But Piggy doesn't, she is very comfortable with human beings, very lovable, like a good old loyal dog I must say. And on the last day of our stay, she did a thing to surprise us.
She entered our chalet!!!!! And sniffed the toys. The feeling is so great!!!
She is trying to see if we have anymore strawberries at the sink.
Piggy doesn't want to leave the chalet. In the end, Wan Qi lured her slowly out of the chalet with strawberries. How can we not love this cutie!!!!!
Wan qi luring her out.
Going on a walking trail at our chalet. This place is huge.
Bye Bye to our Yelverton  Brook Eco Spa Resort.


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