Thursday, June 27, 2013

3rd Day - Memorable morning and Augusta Wheel Watching

                 Morning Greetings from the kangaroo right at our doorstep. I love this place!!!!!
                               One by one, the kangaroos hopped out. We were so amazed.
                                Haha I am too slow. Unable to meet their demand.
                               Feeding them breakfast. They are our PETS. haha
                        Piggy the kangaroo and her daughter or son sending us off to Whale Watching.

This is a Must if you are going to Margaret River. Their food are very tasty!!! They have vegan sandwiches too.
                                                     And I love their deco - vintage style
             All sorts of sandwiches available and at affordable rates since dining out at Perth is ex.

          Very very tasty. The donut is different from dunkin donut. It has a kind of fragrance.
           Love my English tea teapot.

                   Mr Yeo 's new favourite hot drink in Perth - Hot chocolate with ginger breadman.
After our breakfast , we drove to Augusta for whale watching at 1:30pm.
                                      We were there early so Wan Qi played on the swing.
                                Off we go for Whale Watching.
     So cold!!!!
    Magnificient !!!!   WE SAW THE WHALES. Unfortunately, they didn't breach.
    They merely do tail slaps. It's funny cos Mr Yeo told me that when the man shouted,"The tail! The tail " . He was like stop it it's just a tail, quickly start the boat. He was actually suffering from motion sickness even though he took the medicine. I was ok and was happily munching the cakes. Wan Qi also had a bit of motion sickness nearly the end of the trip cos we thought its no good for children to take pills. We merely put a plaster on her belly button, this is said to prevent motion sickness.
                             End of whale watching!!!
Marketing at COLES supermarket.
Bought this story book for Wan Qi at Augusta Visitor centre. Very interesting.
Dinning at Morries Anytime. Suppose to rank 1st restaurant at Margaret River by tripadvisor.
Total damage AU 80. Basically dinner at Perth is this price. I thought the cost of living is too high.
Is it really relaxing staying in Perth? The parking at Perth costs an exorbitant AU5 per half an hour.
Yes Singapore cost of living is high but I can still find $2 prawn noodle with three prawns, pcs of meat at my mum's place at upper boon keng. Fishball noodle also at $2. Meat porridge also at $2.
Yes the air is very fresh in Perth. But Singapore is still the place I love. I hope it will continue to prosper and grow.  I love Singapore!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  HAHA why the sudden JI DONG cos I met an ex Singaporean who had migrated to Perth and told me I should spare a thought for my next generation and should migrate to Perth. And he continued to tell me about LKY. I hate people who call Mr Lee Kuan Yew using short form, I feel its a form of disrespect. So I told him off.
Anyway, after dinner we headed back home at 7pm. It was dangerous as it was very foggy. We had to constantly wipe the wind screen but thankfully again we reached our destination. Then it was action time again.
Both Wan Qi and I are busy peeping at the woylies and possums. Cos woylies are very timid so we had to stay indoors to watch them after putting the food near our doors. It was fun and exciting. Wan qi was the one who suggested we leave a trail of food till our doorstep so that we can see them face to face. So we stayed by to see if they will come to our doorstep .
 On the other hand,
our Mr Yeo was very busy peeping too.
At the oven though with his pizza baking inside.
Right at our doorstep!!! heeehehee

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