Thursday, June 27, 2013

2nd day of Perth Trip

Going for breakfast at Miss Maud Swedish Restaurant for breakfast. Lots of varieties!!!
The waitress is so nice to Wan Qi. She got her stickers, paper helmet, sticker, colouring book, balloon and crayon!!!
                                                Outside Miss Maud Swedish Pastry shop

  Impromptu change of itinerary -To  Caversham wildlife cos its only 25mins from Miss Maud
                               Waiting for the animals to arrive!!!

                                                            8 week old white kangaroo
                                                          Photography With the wombat
                                So sad the all the koalas are sleeping soundly.
Look closely! There is a joey in the kangaroo's pouch. Wan Qi actually go and touch the joey but the mother is very ok with it. Phew!!!
Mummy and daughter. Mother Kangaroo and joey. I stroke the kangaroos and realise that they are just like dogs. When I stroke their necks, they will SI 4 JIAO3 CHAO2 TIAN1 and let me stroke their tummies. Just like my Milky at home. So cute!!!
Determined to stroke them when they are awake, I insisted to go back and check out the koalas.
Thankfully, one of them is awake and even came down to the floor, so excited!!!
 Face to face with the koala. The zookeeper was anxious and kept telling us to be careful and not
to be too near the koala. Cant resist!!! They are so adorable. Feel like hugging them but is a no no lo.
So cute even when it is sleeping!!!

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