Wednesday, April 13, 2011

I'm sorry that I dont have confident in you

It was early in the morning and I was packing Wan Qi's bag then I realised the two self made cars, fish and vegetable she made in school had a name Eunice printed on it. I then realised that the car does not belong to Wan Qi. After hearing one of my students caught stealing friends' storybooks, I was afraid that Wan Qi also steal her friends' things. So I decided to question her. But I swear I was just asking her. But she got so agitated that she began to cry and said that she was not the one who took the car. She said that she hated her class and bla bla bla.I tried to reason with her that its ok if she took it by mistake but she began to cry louder. Then I began to ask her who is Eunice then. She said she she doesnt know anyone by the name of Eunice and said that she must be from the morning class.
She got so upset that she doesnt want her breakfast. She told me she doesnt have appetite. Then I said she must eat something. And I thought it's better for me to leave her alone to cool down. So I told her to eat her breakfast and I will go and buy pork and carrot to cook for her lunch to be brought to school.
After I came back, I saw her writing on a piece of paper. When she saw me, she passed me the paper. I read the paper. It reads"Mummy, do you want me to go and die". I was like "Goodness, this little girl. She is so scary"and "hey, she knows how to spell these words" So I told her of course ma ma wouldn't want you to die. I took nine months to give birth to you and it was very painful. You were so little then and now you are so big. I had taken so much effort to raise you up. Why will I do that. My voice was calm but loving. She then ran to me and said sorry and gave me a big hug.
I told her that this is just a small matter. There is no need to say such a strong word. So she went to crush the paper. I told her that its important that we returned the things to the person. But we must make sure that we didnt take it intentionally. I tried to be careful with my words and yet at the same time deliver the message to her. She told me she didnt steal it. I told her thats good.
When we were about to go to school, I tried to test her again by asking how many girls are there in her class. She told me there are 13 and I wanted her to name the girls. And then she mentioned Eunice. So I was half convinced that there actually is a Eunice and she had been lying to me. She said she said it wrongly and that she spoke the truth. So I told her I will ask her teacher. She then said I can ask her teacher. Then I said ok if she is really speaking the truth, I will buy her a present. A reward for being a truthful and honest girl. On the other hand, if she is telling a lie, she will get punishment tonight. And she was so happy upon hearing that.
So I went into the hall with her. I thought I will just ask her classmate. But her classmates looked at me in a daze. So I thought I better ask her teacher. And when the teacher know that I am Wan Qi's mummy. She said"Oh, you are Wan Qi's mummy. Wan Qi is such an intelligent and smart girl. And she is very very helpful." I was happy to hear that and even happier to know that my little Wan Qi is a honest girl. As the truth is the teacher gace her an additional set wrongly. The Eunice is from the morning session. Phew, she didnt tell lies.
Though some of you might be thinking I am being too paranoid. But I just want to play safe. If she really did, at least I know it when she did wrongly the first time so that I can let her know that it is wrong to steal and lie.
And as promised, I ased Xihong to bring Wan Qi and I to OG so that she can chose her barbie doll which she wanted it long ago.
But in the end, she chose a doll at $22.90 with a cradle. I was like laughing inside me cos it was so much cheaper. A barbie doll is so so ex.

1 comment:

kkf said...

wanqi is so intelligent, can spell those words. I really think she can think very deeply. She is indeed very clever.