Saturday, April 9, 2011

In Preparation for Wan Qi birthday celebration - Stress

It all started when my aunt told her friend cum landlord that I will be able to solve the problem of getting the extra pencil cases(which is meant to be the goodies for Wan Qi's kindergarden friends). Her landlord promise that there will be 10 disney princess pencil cases when there are 2 only but thomas there are 10. So in the end, I have to think of ways to get it. Taobao website is full of resources so I tried and I found the same pencil cases but its hello kitty and mickey. Then 1 fine day, Wan Qi told me she has 3 more new classmates. I was like whtat !!!!!That means I have to start another spree again. So in order to get the minimum weight of 30kg, I bought toys and snow white key chain since this year, Wan Qi's birthday theme is Snow white and the seven dwarfs. I even bought a set of snow white and the seven dwarfs for the birthday decoration.
Never did I realise this is the beginning of my nightmare. I had to contact one of the toys supplier late at night for the prices bla bla. Then the shoe supplier which I intended to buy from was really hostile. Cos I needed 5 so I told him that I need which sizes and hoped he can helped me by gathering them, changed the price to 5 shoes so that it will be easier for my shipping friend. He said he cant remember so I provided the link and everything to my shipping "friend". However, he was quite fed up with him as he need to click each and everyone of them. So in the end, he told me that it is better I do it myself.
I tried but failed after many attempts. Then I realised its because the money has not been paid to the toy supplier. So I asked this friend to pay him first so that I can try to buy the shoes myself. But failed too. After stuck in the computer from 9-1pm. The key chain supplier suggested that the shipping friend should transfer all the money to me so that I can click by myself and that will be easier. So he did. And then I realised that the money still cant get through.In the end, I called China Taobao to find out why. I was told that cos I was a foreigner and need to apply for these and that. So I tried to apply failed. Ased friend to try. By then it was 3pm. I nearly cry out cos my money was frozen. I made ample calls to China, in the end the only way is to wait for another 7 ways to let the money go back to the shipping friend. But part of the money was allowed to be used so I thought I will used it to buy the shoes first since the supplier was hostile, I dont care I just want to get it.Tried but failed called them again, they say its the password thingy which I didnt set. I did infact I set for 3 to 4 times.
In the end, I decided to give this money to the shipping friend as a gift for trying tio help in the later part though if he had helped me the first time things would not have been so complicated. Still he kept helping me by trying to get into their system to apply for foreigner pass. This time the transfer was a breeze. But this friends insisted of not accepting. But he helped me to make all the purchases.
However, I told him I will still remit the moeny no matter what for his kindness
Total damage, the unknown scary china call bills, sleepless night,plus an angry husband. He was angry that I got stuck in the computer neglecting him. I'm sorry I promised this will the last time I organise spree. But the consolation, knowing that I have a very sensible girl. I was stuck in the computer for hours. She came a few times to want to play the computer. But I told her I have to fix this problem so she just went to play with dolls and read so many chinese books and Charlotte's Web. In the middle of the day she told me"妈妈,其实我的生日并不是那么重要的,没有也不要紧的" Oh her words melted my heart and I cried because I am so touched and also because I am so exhausted.
In the evening after I settled my thingy as the shipping friend will helped to do my purchases. I quickly go and do housework with Wan Qi's helped. She helped to vacuum and wipe the furnitures.
Mr Yeo, please dont be angry ok. No more such sprees. I know you care a lot about bonding. :>


blisstan said...

Wow, that was real complicating and troublesome! Poor mommy you, 辛苦了. Wanqi is a sensible and filial daughter. :)

kkf said...

wow, wanqi is so sweet. :)
thanks for the efforts! grateful!!!!!!!

Sheryl said...

wow. What a great and loving mum! And a sweet girl wanqi :)

wanqi said...

No la Gui fen its my own SI XIN. Remember I want to get that pair of blue shoes for Wan Qi.

wanqi said...

A silly mummy I guess. hee