Friday, June 22, 2012

Mount Sorak

Wan Qi insisted we form a heart shape when taking this photo. Errr but seems like ours dont look like a heart shape. haha

Wan qi and Mr Yeo climbed the Mount Sorak while I stayed at the bottom. I was afraid I cant come down as it is steep. Then I thought to myself what had happen to me, I had always been an athlete during my school days. Where is the sporty Huamei so I decided to give it a try. Didnt really catch up with them but at least I didnt stay at the bottom. But coming down was difficult, I dont dare to walk, I merely moved my butt and inched my way down. So Paiseh until the tour guide wanted to hold me and walk me down. :P

1 comment:

kkf said...

those were the days!we are old liao. haha...i used to run cross country. now, you ask me to run???haha.