Friday, June 22, 2012

Jetboat Ride on the Pacific Ocean

Wan Qi enjoyed the jetboat ride tremendously. At first I was worried that she will be frightened and may fly out too as the jetboat sped on the pacific ocean, so I encouraged her to scream. She told me that we will do a 10/10 scream and I agreed. The jetboat rider advised Wan Qi to hold on tighly to both Xihong and my hand but she didnt want to. She let go once the boat was on the move. Unlike her, the boy sitting next to me was holding onto me very very tightly. By the time, we finished the ride, my hand was full of marks. Wan Qi on the other hand said she wanted another ride. I was like HAH sorry I cant make it. At first, I accompanied Wan Qi in screaming. But after several pounding on the sea, my heart was too weak. I can t scream anymore. It was like sitting in a Viking for 15mins, I wish the boat can turn back immediately. When I saw that we are in the middle of the sea, seriously I became breathless again. Yes I am worse than my daughter. :P

1 comment:

kkf said...

I can understand!!! I will get breathless whenever I am in an enclosed like stuck in middle of nowhere.