Friday, October 7, 2011

Our Emotional Encounter with the Lizard

Yesterday after Wan Qi's rehearsal for her musical concert, I decided to bring Wan Qi to my cousin's house as both Wan Qi and I wanted to take a look at the 3mth old poodle.
While we were approaching my cousin's house, I felt something dropping on me. I was a bit apprehensive as my sixth sense tells me that its a lizard. I quickly take a glance at my t-shirt and skirt and was relieved to see no trace of it.
Then Wan Qi started to shout,"Mama, Mama , there 's a lizard on your back".The moment I heard this, I was trying to convince myself it was on my "BAG" and not on my "BACK". Instantly, I threw my bag away. But Wan Qi continued to shout"Lizard !!!Lizard !!!" At that moment, I knew that the lizard was on my back. I started shouting to ask Wan Qi to help me fan it away. Unfortunately, she was scared of lizards as well. She started shouting, screaming, crying all at the same time because the Mama was shouting, screaming and almost crying as well. I dont dare to move and I dont dare to use my hand to touch my back. I tried to jump a little hoping that the lizard will drop off and DIE. But it didnt. I was hopeless as only my niece was at home, my cousin was not at home.
I was at a loss, thinking this is the end of me. Then my cousin's neighbour who heard our shouting , screaming and crying , opened their door and asked me what had happened. I shouted "Lizard!!! Lizard!!! There is a lizard on me!" The kind lady neighbour quickly got his husband to help me. He got an umbrella to help me fan off the lizard. But this action took quite a while cos Wan Qi was crying and screaming so the kind lady had to ask Wan Qi to go over to her before her husband can fan off the lizard. Gosh!!! It lasted like ages!!!
The lady neighbour is really very kind. She even hugged Wan Qi and told her not to be scared. She said Wan Qi's heart was pumping very fast. I was apologetic for causing Wan Qi to be so scared but really have no choice. I was scared out of wits myself.
After her husband fan off the lizard, the lizard went into my cousin 's house and set off another round of screaming and shouting as MY NIECE is also afraid of lizard. hahaha(Now I can laugh in fact as I am writing this blog, both Wan Qi and I are laughing and laughing)So the wife actually asked his husband to go into the house and catch the lizard. And her MACHO HUSBAND went to catch the lizard barehand with the help of a piece of tissue.
When he caught the lizard and was about to come out of the house, this set another round of shouting from me. I ran and shouted running towards my cousin's neighbour's house together with the neighbours' children. Oh my goodness, it was a big and long one. YIIIIIII so so scary. Then the kind lady neighbour told me this is the first time she saw her husband catching the lizard barehand. He never catch it as he himself is also a bit scared. Then she said it was amazing he actually catch it for me. I thanked them non stop.
It was really a 惊魂 experience. And a hilarious one. :P

1 comment:

Sheryl said...

Wah, so scary.... I'm scared of lizards too!