Sunday, October 9, 2011

Take the advice from our far sighted Mr Lee Kuan Yew

Take the advice from our far sighted Mr Lee Kuan Yew
This morning, my dad came over to my house at 6:30am as I need to go to school to conduct oral examination. He then told me that I better let Wan Qi speak more Mandarin, dont neglect Mandarin as he felt that Wan Qi's spoken Mandarin is not as good as before. He warned me that Mr Lee Kuan Yew had already hinted Singaporeans to learn our mother tongue and we better listen to his advice. If not our younger generation who is not able to grasp this language well will suffer.

Yes, I defintely agree with that. In the early 80s, former prime minister Lee Kuan Yew had warned that the easy supply of maids would dry up once the neighbours became more prosperous. And true enough nowadays there have articles saying that the supply of Indonesia and Phililpine maids are going to drop drastically.

In view of that ,we better let our children learn Chinese well. It will be a shame if we did not heed his advice and still think that having our children speak the ANG MO accent Mandarin is cool. If we do that we will be putting our children's future at stake.

So after what my dad told me I quickly took the P1 Chinese assessment book from Malaysia for Wan Qi to do. Haha I told her that Mr Lee Kuan Yew already warned us to learn Chinese well if not she will not be able to have a good job next time. Quickly she started doing the assessment without any hesitation. Hey it works.

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