Saturday, April 10, 2010

Singapore Chinese Girls School Carnival

Xihong bought the minnie mouse and flower balloon sculture for Wan Qi
Wan Qi won this monkey at the booths.

I bought a SCGS bear for Wan Qi. I wish she will be wearing this uniform in 3 years time. :>

Today is SCGS carnival. Since Xihong had joined SCGS as a Chemistry teacher, he has to purchase some coupons. So in the end, he bought 300 bucks of coupons (The students there are also required to buy the coupons)so we used $120 to buy cakessss. It includes 1 durian, 1oreo, 2chocolate, 1carrot cake 1 chesse and 6 eclairs. We then used the remaining for today's carnival.
Xihong bought the minnie mouse and a flower balloon sculpture for Wan Qi . They were ex. Basically, since its suppose to be a school fund raising carnival so basically things there are usually more ex. However, as there are many sponsors so the things sold there are quite useful.
I bought two boxes of good quality crayons and colour pencils, a set of chinese TAOSHU storybooks with a free water bottle, two recycled bags, one SCGS teddy bear, food and 4 adidas t-shirt. Wan Qi had fun fishing, throwing balls and rings at the booth. She bounced on the castles for 2 times, played animal rides, fried eggs, ate cookies.
As for lunch, I had subway sandwiches(using the coupons) and Wan Qi had prawn noodles. And that's it we spent all the money away.
I was quite impressed with their carnival. It was full of activities. Plus, there were a variety of stalls. The children especially had fun at the carnival.
I do hope that Wan Qi will be able to study in SCGS. Their curriculum is certainly very enriching.
When I was at the carnival, the girls are well behaved and polite. They are not the shy ones who will shun from strangers though. Rather they are quite outspoken. There were a few girls who came up to me to sell their products ranging from cupcakes, cookies, rings. When I turned them down, they would bow and said it's ok.
Wan Qi like SCGS too. She kept telling me that she wanted to study in SCGS. However, Xihong did said that it can be quite demanding in SCGS. So I really have to prepare Wan Qi well if she were to study there.


AutumnRiver said...

Hi there, you have a beautiful family. Glad to have found your blog. Have a good day.

Thuha in California

wanqi said...

Thanks :> Your labrador is so cute!

kkf said...

wowow, SGS seems to be really good!

natalie said...

Scgs is a great school! I studied there for 6 years...And i had a lot of fun! You won't regret studying there! :)))