Saturday, January 31, 2009


See this $5 strawberry shortcake dress is very sexy hor bareback somemore.

While we were on our way to my mum and dad 's place, I told Wan Qi that she needs to hold two mandarin oranges with both hands and say GONG XI FA CAI & XIN NIAN KUAI LE to gong gong and popo. But she shakes her head and say no shyly.
Then when we were in the lift, I reminded her again but she says no shyly again. But when the lift door opened, she ran to the door and shouted for my dad"Gong Gong, GONG XI FA CAI, XIN NIAN KUAI LE " In fact, she said three times. haha this girl. I was still thinking how can she be shy.
Then she greeted my mum to without being told. My mum and dad were so happy.
In the afternoon, the wind was very strong. I let Wan Qi put on a cardigan since she just recovered and is still coughing a little. My mum's place is very windy so strong that on the first day of CNY my dad 's finger was slammed by the door at the corridor. I was so shocked when he told me that while I was eating. Luckily, it was not too serious and my dad has recovered from it lia. As for Wan Qi, when she saw my dad bleeding, she cried and said"Gong gong cannot be bleeding Gong Gong cannot be bleeding."
In fact, everytime I changed the plaster for my dad, Wan Qi will cry and go and sayang my dad.
Isnt she sweet? She loves my dad and mum. In fact, she adores my dad. Having my dad around will saves me the trouble of coaxing her to drink medicine. With my dad around, my dad just have to tell her to drink medicine, she will drink it immediately without being told the second time. Plus, she will always want my dad to tell stories to her in the bedroom for 1 to 2 hours before she falls asleep. Maybe becos my dad is real patient with her. :)
In the evening, I went to SI MA LU to pray. I wish that in 2009 my dad and mum, Wan Qi, Xihong and myself will stay healthy and happy. :)

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