Saturday, January 31, 2009

First Day of CNY @ Mum's place

We arrived at my mum's place around 3 pm - very late cos on New Year Eve I stayed up late till about 3am a usual practice done by my sis and all my cousins- SHOU SUI

Hence, the next day I woke up late. After letting Wan Qi took her oatmeal at about 8am, I went to back to sleep till 12pm :P

By 2 plus, we were all in RED ready to go and PAI NIAN. Why are we in red? Cos according to FENG SHUI, those who were born in the year of dragon and dog should wear red on the first day of CNY.

This year I didnt manage to find any clothing that I like so I ended up buying a RED t-shirt that cost only $5 from Punggol Plaza.

And Xihong bought his at BOSSINI.

Wan Qi's strawberry short cake dress is also bought from Punggol Plaza. And it's also $5. Cheap CNY dress. Ha

The ANG ANG family VS The Pink Panther family

My sis giving Wan Qi a very BIG ang bow.


blisstan said...

looking at the pic which you are holding your baby niece, I then realise that Wanqi really looks like Xihong leh! Never notice that. Heehee... :)

blisstan said...

Hey, your sis slim down very fast hor? So good, same as you. :)

wanqi said...

Is it hee?
No my sis body haven slim down yet. Her face didnt change at all during childbirth still GUA ZI LIAN thats why you think she slim down lia