Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Wan Qi's Ah Mah cheongsum

See suppose to be this effect la, but my little Wan Qi is not fair enough so she became Ah Mah after wearing this cheongsum haha.

on the way to the busstop, I wanted to take some pictures. My mum said I am being very lo sor so she went off first haha

Wan Qi said she didnt want to wear this cheongsum that I had bought her. She said it made her look like Ah Mah. And my mum commented why didnt I let her wear something red or pink, joyous colour for the Chinese New Year celebration. I replied you wont understand la, this cheongsum is very special ok and cost me a bomb hor. I thought its unique. haha


kkf said...

the cheongsum looks ok leh.pretty wear whatever also nice

wanqi said...

If she is fair will be nicer,haha