Saturday, March 12, 2011

Wan Qi's first sleepover at my cousin's house

Today's is Wan Qi's first sleepover at my cousin's house. My mum told me that Wan Qi's cousins are all staying at my cousin's house tonight so I asked Xihong to bring her there so that they can play masak together.
She was so excited because she likes to play with my niece AH Xuan who is in Pri 1this year. Then she started bring all her dolls and stuff. But when we told her she will stay there alone with all her cousins, she said she wanted us to keep her accompany. Then we said we cant and she is just like Grover (sesame street character)who sleepover at Betty Lou's house. Then she smiled and said that then Ah Xuan Jie Jie is Betty Lou. And then she was once again excited about going.
After accompanying her for a while, I went off with Xihong to have our punggol nasi lemak and off to Marina Bay sand. Cos Suan Ku me have not been there before.
Before we reached Marina Bay Sand, I made a call to see if Wan Qi is ok. She is playing carom with her cousins, obviously enjoying herself. I always try to let her play with her cousins since she is the only child. We will be fetching her tomorrow.


kkf said...

soon, she will have another mate at her own house!

wanqi said...

I hope so too.