Sunday, September 19, 2010

Wan Qi's 1st trip to MacRitchie Reservoir & Milky's 7 year old birthday

Wan Qi cant help laughing when I said she is sitting next to her friend - the monkey
And can you see the poor chap - Mr Yeo standing far at the other end cos our dear Milky kept barking at the monkeys so he got to stand away from the monkeys.

Wan Qi looking up at the 3 monkeys on the branches. Look out they might poo. hee!

We are squatting and observing the monkeyssss. I was wearing the dangling beaded shoes.
Apparently, these monkeys are very curious about my shoes. Think they thought is fruits.
So two monkeys actually come and touch my shoes. So cute and funny. And a caucasian is so worried that he kept telling me your shoes your shoes.
Stopping once a while to catch our breath and looking at the fishes, pondskator, dragonfiles and eeeeeeee lizards at times.
Decided to bring Wan Qi to MacRitchie Reservoir to breathe in some fresh air. And because today is my little Milky's 7 year old birthday. Milky loves walks so this is her birthday treat. I told her tomorrow will be her birthday. Guess what today she barked us up early in the morning. Believe it or not, she is one smart doggie. Never promise her one night before her outing, the next morning she will kept barking at you if you dont fulfill the promise. No kidding.

So off we went to MacRitchie. I wanted MacRitchie rather than Botanical Garden as I assume there are lesser people. Xihong said otherwise, he said that the walkway is very narrow at MacRitchie. I was like hah have you been to MacRitchie or not. Then Xihong protested by saying he always bring his students to MacRitchie and he knows better. I argued that I had been the champion for crosscountry at MacRitchie during my schooldays so dont argue with me.

Hee but that was ages ago. True enough it was quite narrow - the board walk. And guess what we walked for 2 .5hrs hours. After walking for 1.5hrs, Wan Qi said she was tired and I piggy backed her but not all the way. Breathless so I asked her to walk on her own. She then act as the MRT gate where we have to say "TITI" everytime when we passed her. So that made her forget that she is tired. We had short races on and on so in the end we made it to the exit. Phew!
Tiring. Then the self claimed IRON MAN - Mr Yeo Siak Hong was so strong that he said that we should go for another round. I siad NO, I am dead tired. So I asked him to carry Wan Qi since he claimed that he is so fit. And he did one hand carrying Wan Qi and the other carrying Milky. :)

See Wan Qi couldnt smile anymore. She is truly exhausted and hungry after the 2.5hrs of walking.

1 comment:

kkf said...

hahaha...but it is good that you expose wanqi to such nature places. I must do so often with dash and violet, as i think they lack of exercise, and so do i! haha.