Saturday, September 4, 2010

Teacher's Day - What a hectic night for mummy and I

It definitely is a hectic day for me - the mummy. Not because the mummy had too many presents to receive but because mummy need to prepare for Wan Qi 's teachers' day present.
I cracked my head for it and had little time to think about it.
Though I had already bought bag hooks for the teachers. However, Xihong asked me if the teachers will know that is a bag hook. That set me thinking if I should get another gift. But I have too little time to think. Cos I went for eyelash implantation and a little shopping for myself and oohs have too little time to shop for the gifts. And the queues at the gift shops are super long. Anxious parents like me are getting last minute gifts for their children too.
In the end, I found myself in Precious moment shop(not sure if thats the name). Saw this series of dolls which I fall in love instantly. They are not cheap though. A small note book cost $15. I wanted to get the cards as teachers day cards but they dont sell that. So in the end I thought I will just ask Wan Qi to draw for the teachers. So I bought a folder which I thought was very cute and just ask Wan Qi to copy.
I rushed to Popular to get the cards. Oh my gosh long queues again. No choice, in the end I reached home at ten. And got Wan Qi to draw the cards. Yes we took a long time to finish one.
I thought Wan Qi to draw the doll step by step. I will ask her to draw a u shape for the face followed by the hair. For the hair I asked to draw squares but she insisted drawing it zig zag. I thought so be it dont have to follow the pic. Then follow by the eyes which I insisted she must draw big eyes. And she did it cos she will normally draw small eyes for her dolls lately. Then I thought her to draw the dress which was just triangle. For the hands, I told her to follow the picture but she drew them too long so I asked her to correct them. The most hilarious part is when I asked her to draw the fingers. I told her to make sure there are five fingers. She did them but the whole palm became elongated. And I cant help but burst out laughing. She followed too.
By the time, we finished colouring the card, it was already half past eleven so I asked Wan Qi to do one more half a card before she goes to bed. She insisted to continue but I say its really too late.Will just wake up tomorrow to continue. Within minutes, she fell asleep.
So I decided to help Wan Qi coloured the back ground of the cards. Hee cheat a bit. Then I wanted to help her wrapped the bag hooks for her teachers. After searching for 1.5 hrs, I gave up just couldnt find. Decided to go and sleep and ask Wan Qi the next day.
The next day at seven, I woke Wan Qi up and asked her to finish her cards for her teachers. She sprang up from her bed and continued drawing.(Wow, I thought she will whine but not a bit. She was enthusiastic)I asked her if she sees the bag hooks and she told me its at my mums place. I nearly fainted, wasted my 1.5hr of beauty sleep last night. And its really a rush as we need to leave the house by eight. I quickly cooked her breakfast while Wan Qi continued to draw. But I accompanied her as I am afraid she cant do a good job. And true enough she dont know how to draw the dress so I had to teach her again. Then I smelled something. Gosh my cereal. Cha da. Burnt. No choice will have to buy bread for Wan Qi when we are downstairs.
Wan Qi nearly finished her last 2 cards. When I asked her to write her name. She got it all wrong. She could not write lower case a and she got it mixed up yang become ynag and wan become wna. Furious. I scolded her. (sorry I know its bad of me but really hot tempered nowadays)
Well, in the end we still managed to reach school at 8:20am. :) Bravo. And three of the teachers got their cards and bag hooks. Didnt manage to take the last card as it was really done in a haste.
:P last minute mummy. But I told Wan Qi that it's important to show our appreciation to our teachers on this day especially because ZUN SHI ZHONG DAO is very important to Chinese. :)
I told her to wish the teachers "Happy Teachers' Day" and give them a great big hug. But she told me she wished them but forgot to hug them. :)


kkf said...

great efforts! nicely drawn cards!
haha, i bought thumbdrives for the teachers, and was also worried they didn't know thats thumbdrive so i just typed on a small little piece of paper and pasted there stating "thumbdrive". haha.

wanqi said...

haha me too I put a note too saying its a bag hook and even explain how to use.:P