Saturday, May 8, 2010

A trip to Jurong Fishery Port in the wee hours

We went to Jurong Fishery Port on Mother's Day. We left our home at 12.25am yes AM cos the Jurong Fishery Port operates in the wee hours.
We always wanted to go so finally we went there yesterday. Both Wan Qi and I slept at 8plus at night and we woke up at 12 plus to go to the port.
We wore some old t shirts as we did some research from the net and understands that it can be quite stinky over there. I wore my old shoes there too, ready to throw them away.
When we were there we could see big ships there. Unfortunately, we could not move near to the ship as it was a restricted zone. We could only stand far outside to watch the workers loading the boxes of seafood.
At the market, there were many many fishes, prawn, squids, stingrays. We didnt buy any as we intended to go to Mac for supper. We merely tour around the place. By the end of the tour, my old shoes was already soaked with stinky fishy water.
But ok it was an experience to experience the life of a fishmonger. :>

1 comment:

kkf said...

my friends in uni used to tease me that i am a fishmonger, i must go there one day. haha