Sunday, May 30, 2010

My mum saved another new born bird

My mum always have the luck to save new born birds. That day, she saved another yellow new born birdie. Wan Qi was very excited and she even tried to build her a nest with a plastic bowl that she had found. She then put some papers inside the bowl. Good Idea as the bid actually poo on the paper and we just throw the papers away.This time round we cautioned my dad not to overfeed the bird. Cos eveytime, my mum saved a bird, my dad will be the one who will fed dilligently to the bird. Too diligent in fact and in the end, the bird is being overfed and die. However, this time round the new born bird could not survive too. My dad said he watched a documentary show and it was shown that new born birds actually need their mummies to feed them with saliva if not they cant survive.

1 comment:

kkf said...

is that a real bird??