Sunday, May 1, 2011

Happy 5th Birthday my sweetie Wan Qi

Preparation for the decoration of bakezine cake. Bathe the dwarfs first.

Wan Qi insisted adding the ugly Snow White. She said its ok, she is ugly too. haha

Using her phonics skill, Wan Qi read from the hawker signboard and told me she wanted to eat kway chap. So I bought her a set. See! She is using the chopsticks with her right hand. She can use chopsticks with her left and right hand. :)

Went to SIMALU to pray for Wan Qi's good health, happiness,safety.:>
Thank you Guang Yin Niang Niang for blessing Wan Qi.

Flowery shoe to match the gown.

We went to take BIG HEAD PHOTO. It's fun.

Wan Qi is easily contented when it comes to food (she will be tremendously happy if she is given the forbidden food so on her birthday, we decided to bring her to mc.)

Bought this princess gown for Wan Qi, love the big ribbon!

How's my Snow White and the 7 dwarfs cake? Not bad right. Didnt dare to take a closer shot as I am afraid the snow white will be "exposed". Wan Qi commented that she is ugly due to her puffy eyes.

My happy girl!

Suddenly, remember that I need to let Wan Qi wear her snow white costume and quickly changed her. Xihong was complaining that I am so troublesome.By the time, we eat the cake, it will be not delicious anymore. And it's true. :P

This is for papa as he is the grumpiest person in the family. haha

This is chosen by Wan Qi as she loves the sleepy dwarf.

This is for mummy cos the rest were rolled in the "mud". I told Wan Qi the dwarfs played too much in the mud (chocolate)


kkf said...

so pretty! the princess gown and costume is so nice! wanqi must had enjoyed herself!

wanqi said...

yes she did :>

Sheryl said...

Wanqi looks so happy and she is so pretty with her sweet smile!

wanqi said...

Sherylthanks. she is very happy.