Just look at the way Wan Qi stand. I thought it looked a bit comical and quickly snapped this pic

Went to Batam for a 2Day1Nite trip during the long weekend. But I went only on Sunday as I was the reserve presiding officer on polling day. The very next day after watching the election at 3plus am, I woke up the next day, all prepared for the trip.
All in all we paid $216 with incl the hotel stay, massage for 2 , bowling, ferry tickets and the ride to downtown. We did not book for Wan Qi's share as we thought it will be a waste since she werent be enjoying the massage.Hence, we just reached Harbour Front earlier to buy her tickets. In the end, we only need to pay for her taxes not even the ferry tickets. :)
After having mc, we proceeded to take the ferry. It was a short hour trip so still not bad. And after reaching, we took the shuttle bus to Harris,think its only a 5min drive from the ferry terminal.
Their service is good. The pools are big and clean too. But Xihong thought it will be dirty so he didnt bring Wan Qi 's swimsuit along. And Wan Qi kept throwing temper as she wanted to go swimming. So angry with her.
But overall, the trip was relaxing. The best part I think was when we went to a pub by the sea and watched the moonlight and stars while Wan Qi drank her hot milo and eating fries. I mean you seldom get to see stars in Singapore.
The next morning, Wan Qi go for her treasure hunt. It was not bad. The children got to solve the puzzle first before using the map to find the location of the hiding place. Then they went to the hiding place to find the treasure. It was quite a big area for the children to find. In fact, the teacher herself couldnt find the toy and we as adults couldnt find the toy too. In the end, the teacher had to ask the person who had hidden the toy personally. Then with some clues, Wan Qi found the toy. Hurray for Wan Qi. So everyone was given a scarf.
Next, they did origami. They folded a complicated paper aeroplane. I am always lousy when it comes to origami. And had a paper aeroplane flying competition after that. Then we decided to go for bowling but Wan Qi insisted on staying with the kids. So we went on our own bravely (since the rest of the kids are on their own)
But I managed to drag Wan Qi to take a picture with her dad in the bowling arcade who strike all the way. No la just kidding. Striked occasionally only. hee