Friday, July 17, 2009

Wan Qi 's Chinese.

Wan Qi loves to speak in Mandarin. Sometimes when I answered her in English, she will insist that I reply her in Mandarin. So xian and worrying.

However, I must comment that her Chinese is really quite " powerful " nowadays.

haha some of the conversation we had

I was gobbling my food as I need to go to school that day. And Wan Qi said 哇po po你看,妈妈吃得津津有味.

Then the other day, Wan Qi suddenly came running towards me and she said'' MILKY要追我,我一溜烟的跑掉。

A few days ago, I was about to share my bread with Wan Qi when she told me 来来来,让我来分。我分最公平.

And then the other day i overheard her role playing as a teacher and she told her stuff toys
小朋友,不要迷信,迷信过头就是神经病。(she actually memorise this phrase from her fav stories )

In fact, she can memorise whole chunks of story lines from the six different books which really impressed me cos the chinese in these books is quite chin.

And the best part is, she tried to use it in her daily life. There was this day, I was holding her hands as we walked along the path to punggol plaza. She saw that the leaves are falling down from the trees and shouted"好吓人啊,树都变成了骷髅了。快跑啊。It's so funny and I joined in her impromptu role play and run along.

And the other day when my mum told her a story about crows while I was teaching in school, she told my mum "我和乌鸦一样会孝顺爸爸妈妈。My mum later told me she actually know the meaning of 孝顺。

The day when we were on our way to ikea and I told her that is our singapore flag. She said"我要保卫新加坡,不让敌人攻打。and Xihong said wowow.
I dont know why she said this but i think it must be because in the morning i was sharing an altas book with her and we couldnt find the singapore flag and she was very unhappy and hit the book. hahaha and i told her we must love our country no matter what even when singapore is a small country.
And i also told her about our neighbours saying that sometimes they bullied us. Perhaps this is the reason. hee hee don know where did she pick the phrase from.

Sometime she might laugh at herself for speaking out of tone. The other day she did and she laughed and said "我糊涂了,就像范兰罗德勒" a funny muddle head character in her fav chinese story book.

The sweet things that she told my mum who was bribed instantly by her. "popo 你知道吗?你不在家时,我很想念你。

popo 你煮的食物很不错。plus she will put her thumbs up.

The other day she was being very rude to my mum and I threatened to cane her and boycott hershe cried and said"妈妈,你不要这样对我,我知道错了,我会改过的 and bla bla. but i will ignore her cos she always use this tactic just that she will change the sentence a bit. but the 我知道错了,我会改过的。will always remain . haha if one were to hear it for the first time, will fell for it because she really say it sincerely and of course with all the tears. But i always tell myself not to 心软。unlike me, I saw my mum wiping her tears when Wan Qi said her 台词。hee cruel mummy hor but no choice had to discipline her.


The Tired Mommy said...

wow! I'm very very impressed!! Wanqi is really an intelligent girl! :)

blisstan said...

I am very impressed too! Wanqi is very proficient in her Chinese language. :)
Your hard work is not wasted leh! :)

xiaoci_mama said...

wah really powerful chinese at such young age.I think the prenatal teaching while pregnant helps (cos we are teachers)! Btw i'm jessy

kkf said...

hahahaha, very impressive indeed!! aiya, wanqi is really very clever.

why worry? i feel that children who master chinese language first is good! as chinese language is more difficult. :)

Anonymous said...

wanqi's chinese is so lihai... i must build on ada's too.