We went for kite flying session with my sis and friends last week at punggol open field. It was a last minute thingy suggested by my sis. As we dont have a kite so I actually ran with Wan Qi to punggol plaza to get one. In the end, it didnt managed to fly an inche and it was spoilt.

So we fly my sis's kite instead. Isn it cute.

I let Wan Qi fly my friend's kite at first. She didnt hold it properly and the kite's string just fly away from her. And the poor mother which is me had to run after the string for a long distance. I must have look real stupid. Gosh. No image at all. But luckily I got it back.

The two friends eating apples. So cute right!!!
The pic of Wanqi alone holding the string of the kite is soooo funny and cute! hahaha! She has a cheeky but loveable expression. :)
Ya lor she is very very chicky. In character too. Goodness many a times she made me real mad.
guess kids are kids! dash makes me maddddd too!
sure will like to fly kite one day (i never fly a kite in my life). jio me and dash next time leh.
I dont know but Wan Qi is really naughty lei. Made me mad almost everyday. After she went to school, she learnt bad thing like talking with her tongue hanging in the middle of her throat- aiyon dont know how to describe. Its like little baby who dont know how to pronounce her words probably. I was so angry with that.
And when she goes out with me and Xihong nowadays she can throw her tantrum if we didnt wait for her to see her things. She will scream and shout and cry. sign. Really very embarrasing for me and Xihong. My friend told me 3yrs old is worse than 2, wonder if it's true. I dont mind its a passing phase but i m afraid this is her character.
For me it has been a long time since i fly a kite. The feeling is very good but gan jiong too when i see it coming downwards. ha
Sure sure we can fly a kite together next time.
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