Thursday, January 8, 2009

Wan Qi's 1st Day of Sch at Dayspring Kindergarten

Today 8 Jan 09 is Wan Qi's first day in Dayspring Kindergarten. I got up early at 6.30am to prepare her breakfast fish oatmeal. Cos I suspect Wan Qi will wake up early today and she did she got up at 6.50am.

After she poo and wee, it was already 7.20, then I let her have breakfast. (oohs a bit late) After that I started to iron her uniform and prepared all the necessities. At nine plus, my sis came to my house cos she wanted to WEI my little girl Wan Qi DA QI hee so sweet of my sis. Which is why if I ever have another baby, I hope is a girl again cos I think two sisters will have closer relationship. :>

So while I was dressing up Wan Qi, wearing her socks for her and cutting her nails, my sis was busy taking pictures and videographing for us.

Cutting Wan Qi's toe nails

Wearing socks for Wan Qi

Wan Qi taking her school bus. See she is so excited about it. I'm glad the bus attendent is very kind and helpful.

Wan Qi's English teacher showed the children the very big terrapins that they had in Dayspring.
Wan Qi had her tea break. She asked for more servings twice. Haha she eats alot in school.

Toilet breaks for the children where they form choo choo train like this.

At 12.00pm, I stood at the school gate waiting for Wan Qi. She looked worried when she couldnt see me but when she saw me, she quickly broke into a big smile. At that point of time, I was so should I say touched, I don't know but the next moment I was thinking what if the 4th day she cant find me at the school gate and broke into tears. Suddenly, I felt my heart breaking just by thinking of that.
Overall, I must say I am very please with Dayspring cos they have plenty of teachers to look after the toddlers. They have a well planned system too. Wan Qi likes Dayspring very much and she looks forward to going tomorrow. The teachers are patient too and I must salute to the English- Indian teacher. She is so patient towards the pupils who cried throughout the 2 hours.
And I must say I am very proud of my little girl. Throughout the whole morning, she has been a very brave and well behaved girl. She listened to the bus attendent and was sitting beside a new friend. She listened to her teachers' instruction and when she was waiting for the rest of her friends to finish their bread, she just went over to the shelves to take a book and read. She didnt cry too when I leave the place and most of the time when saw me at the window, I would put up my thumb and said good job to her and she would give me her BIG SWEET SMILE. At the end of the day, Wan Qi's teacher had drawn two stars for her whereas most of the kids only have one. haha proud mummy.
I am so proud of her that I sms Xihong when we were back on the bus. And Xihong sms me and asked me to tell Wan Qi that he is proud of her and will bring her to the swimming pool this Saturday. Plus,he also surprised us by picking up Wan Qi at the bus drop off point. :>
Wan Qi is truly happy in Dayspring. After school, I could hear her laughing loudly with her new friend in the bus. When she returned home she was singing song, reciting her Tang poems,etc in a very good mood.
I hope she will continue to love this place as I believe a happy girl will always be a good learner.


blisstan said...

Wow, Wanqi enters kindergarden at such a young age, too early... heehee... :)
Anyway, she is very well behaved, you should be proud of her of course! :)
Where is the kindergarden? So far that has to take school bus ah?

blisstan said...

hey, why only ironed uniform and trim nails last minute huh?
Wanqi looks like a big girl in the pics! Very pretty and photogenic. :)

wanqi said...

She loves this kindergarten so much even after attending 2 days cos she has fun playing with her little friends which i feel if she didnt go to school she wont have such opportunity lei. anyway only 2 hours so i guess its quite good for her. She learns to play with friends and learn to share.haha its at punggol 24th ave. a fifteen min ride.
ya ya you know me what always last min one la. One hour before she takes her shower then i iron her uniform.

is it she is pretty haha.

The Tired Mommy said...

haha, yah, why so last min then cut nails and iron uniform? Haha :)

kkf said...

wanqi is always full of smiles! :)

hey hey, u on no pay leave for half a year liao? u resigning or going back?

wanqi said...

Ai yo dont like that la a housewife with no maid to help out is very stress so always last min lo. hee hee find excuses.

ya me on no pay leave for six months. now full time housewife with no maid really really stressful haha but happy as i can be with Wan Qi

Estelle Chan said...

hihi not sure if you still remember me. my gal attended the same talent plus with wan qi last jul.

chanced into your blog while looking for feedbacks on dayspring. wan qi grown so much & such a cheerful gal :)

btw, any comments on dayspring as i m considering for my gal next yr.

wanqi said...

Hi Estelle
I do remember:>
I am very happy with Dayspring. The teachers are very caring and patient. Thumbs up for Dayspring.

Read the posting on Chinese New Year celebration at Dayspring :>

Estelle Chan said...

Hi Wanqi,

Glad to hear that! Will join you next yr :)

Steven said...
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Steven said...


i planning to enroll the Dayspring Kindergarten @17th Avenue and 24th Avenue?

any comments?

thank you.

wanqi said...

Hi steven iI changed her to living sanctuary after I moved to kallang. I always think day spring is a good school. The teachers are very caring . Thumbs up for day spring.

wanqi said...

Hi steven iI changed her to living sanctuary after I moved to kallang. I always think day spring is a good school. The teachers are very caring . Thumbs up for day spring.