Friday, May 15, 2009
Our 3rd Pulau Ubin Trip on Vesak Day
We went to Night Safari again
We went to Night Safari again before Wan Qi's birthday. But this time I asked my mum to come along. All in all we paid $85 , a bit costly and we paid $20 for a picture that they took while we were in the tram. But it's worth in the sense that Wan Qi loves to go there she can recognise the word Night Safari after that.
A very funny incident happened while we were waiting for the animal show. There were many tourists and we had to form four rows before we can proceed to the animal theatre. While we were waiting, Wan Qi went to hug an Italian lady's thigh. Why ? Because she was talking away and she didnt noticed that we have moved up the queue plus the lady was wearing the same colour of pants like my mum. We and the tourist had a good laugh including Wan Qi of course.
Wan Qi's progress
Wan Qi is 3 yr old now. How fast! Really wish she is still the two year old kiddy. See I can tie her hair now. The other day, she was asking Xihong to tie her hair and I was like oh I didnt know her hair is already long enough for me to tie.
Then I began to recall what had I taught her during my no pay leave. Frankly speaking not much, I was busy preparing her for school, cooking, doing housework , so didnt really teach her properly. :P. With a helper, its a different story. hee excuses.
Anyway, now that she is 3, she knows her alphabet but if you were to test her, she will say something funny or said she dont want to reply you or she will say the wrong letter. It was until I brought her for a diagnostic test then I realise I didnt waste my small effort afterall. She actually know her alphabet and their sound. Vocabulary wise the teacher told me she is very good for a 2 and 1/2 year old. (Did the test when she is 2 and a half yrs old as its free)
She said she is about 2 grades higher. Dont know whether is it true? Anyway, Xihong and I was very happy for sure.
But another thing that made me extremely happy was a few days before her birthday, I realised that Wan Qi can recognise some words. This was after seeing Annie doing some word flash cards , that I decided not to be lazy and started to write some words on the A4 blank cards that I had bought a long time ago.
As I was writing, Wan Qi shouted"zoo"that word is zoo. I was so delighted and carried on. I realised she already can recognise a few word without me knowing it.
She can recognise "zoo, fat, cat, dog, good, shark, park, teeth, red, yellow, green, blue, fish, wish , lamb, frog, log, fox, box, apple, Peter , Jane, rabbit, mum, dad, I like you, hot , hat".
It was the effort of constant sharing of storybooks with her, I thought. I began to consoled myself that even though this time round I didnt really sit down with her to do activity work. She does have some improvment. hahaha.
I tried to teach her some chinese characters too but was too lazy. And I must admit that I tried to emphasize more on English because Wan Qi prefers Chinese to English. When I give her a book without words and she can actually tells a story in Mandarin without my help. And there's actually storyline so I am not worried about her Chinese. I am worried about her English and had spent quite a lot on English books.
I had stopped Wan Qi from going to Little Neuro tree though it's quite good because we decided that Shichida has a greater effect on her so had enrolled Wan Qi in Shichida again. However, Wan Qi did learnt something from Little Neuro tree, she can say certain things in jap like elephant, cat, dog, fish, bear, tortoise, bird etc. In fact, the Japnese teacher always says that Wan Qi is her best students as she always shouts out the words in Japanese when the teacher asks for the answer. But I see that her memory skill deteriotes. Previously when she was in Shichida, she always remember the cards but over at Little Neuro Tree, she is wrong most of the time. Sign dont know whether it is really true of the Chinese saying 3 SUI DING ZHONG SHENG
Puzzles Vs Maze- Wan Qi stopped playing puzzle and I guess I am the cause for it :P cos I was too ambitious when she was going to be 2 yr old. After seeing that she can finished 24pcs puzzle. I pushed for 40pcs and it backfires. Now she kind of dislike puzzles. And I stopped playing with her too.
She still likes maze a lot. However, I run out of maze for her to do. The previous maze books that I had bought for her was really of very good quality as in the maze has short story line and are very colourful. I was very kiasu previously and had bought from age 1 all the way to age 6. And Wan Qi had already finished them. I must say she has quite a talent for maze. haha.
Wan Qi is not very good in numbers though. Goodness! I hope she is not like me. I tried to flash cards to her when she is very young but she detests it. In fact, she doesnt like numbers and alphabet. When I tried to teach her, she will walk away. Maybe I need to resort to buying 100 ferro rocher to teach her like the korean show.
Since she dislike it so I also become lazy in teaching her. Sadly she can only read from 1-20 and count physically object from 1-14 somehow she will go ga bla when counting at 14 onwards , she will skip to 16 Of course you might say that hey reciting is no good she might not know the concept even if she can recite up to 100. But the thing is when she recite 1-20 either in Chinese or English, sometimes it can be wrong too. I wanted to buy montessori materials to help her in that previously its call bank something. But it was so expensive that I decided not to. It will cost me $88. So now she is still stuck at 1-20 and I am not doing anything about it. haha But after writing this blog I think it will motivate me to teach her again but the thing is I don't know if I can sustain it. ha
So I guess area of improvment for Wan Qi - Maths 1-30 perhaps to attend kumon maths , more words to be recognised, continue to search for good maze activity books , attend Shichida in july to improve on her memory skills
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Wan Qi's 3rd 3yr old Birthday
It was 5am in the morning, Wan Qi awoke from her sleep and was crying. She said she was hungry. She continued to cry after getting her bread so Xihong took out her birthday gift and of course she stopped crying.
We bought the doll long time ago, (during og private sales) but i hid it in the cupboard cos i dont want to buy so many toys for her even in normal days. I thought buying gifts for her on special occasion will be better for her so that she cherishes these and learn to be appreciative.
We brought her to the zoo on her birthday since she loves ZOO. After the zoo trip, we had our dinner in punggol. We had zhu chao. We order our favourite crabs, kang kong, tofu just a few dishes and headed back for cake cutting seesion.
Wan Qi's 2nd 3yr old Birthday Celebration
Wan Q's 3yr old Care Bear cake. Wan Qi wanted a care bear cake so I decided to get the cake figure from overseas spree. It's cheaper and I thought its better cos she can keep the care bears as memoirs too.

I also bought the care bears mask for the children. I thought they look very cute in them. :)
Wan Qi and I packed the goodie bags together. I bought stationery set, koko crunch, and balloons for the kids. Did not buy any sweets as I do not like kids to take too many sweets.
It's bad for their teeth and health.
Wan Qi gave the goodie bags to her friends. She behave like a big sister. She knows all her friends by names and she looks like a monitress giving out books to her fellow classmate.
A very cute sight.
Wan Qi's 1st 3 yr old Birthday Celebration 27/4
All of you must be thinking why didnt I blog for so long cos I have been sick and I have been busy working on my new house. (By the way Nan Chiau colleagues please dont tell the rest especially the heads I am afraid I will not be able to go back then. hahaha)
This year Wan Qi is real happy as she gets to celebrate 3 times for her birthday. The first celebration is with her 奶奶,姑姑,姑丈,表哥,表妹,叔叔,婶婶,堂哥。
We celebrated at Tung Lok restaurant. However, we didnt plan to celebrate her birthday in Tung Lok. It's just that Xihong wants to celebrate her mum's retirement thats why we decided to co celebrate Wan Qi's birthday there.
We had an asumptous, expensive but not very delicious meal. I thought it's not very fantastic for the price. The whole dinner cost us $550 plus. :P So ex but I guess Xihong is very happy because he had always wanted to bring his mum to have this dinner at Tung Lok so his wish is granted and I thought its a valid reason too.
This year Wan Qi is real happy as she gets to celebrate 3 times for her birthday. The first celebration is with her 奶奶,姑姑,姑丈,表哥,表妹,叔叔,婶婶,堂哥。
We celebrated at Tung Lok restaurant. However, we didnt plan to celebrate her birthday in Tung Lok. It's just that Xihong wants to celebrate her mum's retirement thats why we decided to co celebrate Wan Qi's birthday there.
We had an asumptous, expensive but not very delicious meal. I thought it's not very fantastic for the price. The whole dinner cost us $550 plus. :P So ex but I guess Xihong is very happy because he had always wanted to bring his mum to have this dinner at Tung Lok so his wish is granted and I thought its a valid reason too.
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