These two doggies were very obedient. We met them outside the coffeeshop. Wan Qi wanted to touch them but the owner said they bite so upon hearing that Wan Qi decided not to touch.
Wan Qi insisted on climbing down the stairs by herself and if you tried to hold her she will start all over again. She will go up to the top again and come down by herself. Xihong laughed and said restart restart whenever she did that.

Science lesson for Wan Qi haha! we introduce the plant mimosa to her.
Science lesson for Wan Qi haha! we introduce the plant mimosa to her.
Brought Wan Qi to a Tampines neighbourhood yesterday and we had our dinner there. Half way through, Xihong said he wanted to go and put one more car coupon so I waited in the coffee shop for him. While I was waiting, I noticed that my knapsack was gone so I thought he took it away and didnt pay much attention to it.
But after waiting for a while, I decided to look for him. I looked inside the car but couldnt see my knapsack so I asked him where is it. Then he said he didnt see it. Oh shit I thought to myself, my wallet and camera was inside my knapsack then I said :"Someone must have taken it while i was feeding Wan Qi!!!!"
Wan Qi heard me saying and added on "There is a thieve. He had stolen our bag. Papa go and chase him!" Upon hearing this, I was like Wow amazing she know how to use the word thieves and steal and even know how to ask papa to chase the thieve. I thought that was quite clever of her. :) Then I quickly asked Xihong to chase the "thieve".
When Xihong came back with the knapsack, he told me that he caught the person who stole our bag and I asked him several times "is it is it" then he burst out laughing and said no lah the bag was on the chair. aiyo me really sotong luckily nobody took the knapsack while I went to the carpark.