Brought Wan Qi to my sis's in law house cos my one mth old niece celebrated her full month there. Wan Qi had fun playing with their big dog and taking pictures with it. Wan Qi wanted to carry my niece but dont have the chance cos she was the star that day. The little girl was too busy. Later, we also went to the nearby mosque to look at the sheeps. They were meant to be the is it "offerings" as the next day was Hari Raya Haji. Wan Qi did not bear to leave the sheeps but I was determined to cos it was real stinky. Even upon reaching my mum's house, I seem to be smelling their poo smell.
Sunday, December 14, 2008
We went to Sengkang Swimming complex twice this holiday as Wan Qi loves the place. Plus we think it's good exercise for her too. When we went there the first time, it was raining so we only went to the indoor pool. It was extremely cold. When I asked Wan Qi if she feels cold, she replied I like it cold. However after twenty minutes, she was shivering and told me she was cold so we headed for dinner. The second time which was last Saturday, the weather was good. Wan Qi managed to slide down the slide twice which I thought it was very brave of her because her mummy also tried the adult slide and was screaming on top of her voice. haha I hope no students saw me there or they will have a good laugh. :P
Wan Qi the cat chaser
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Xihong decided to switch back to rearing goldfish which I agree as we simply do not have the time to take care of the water plants and water snails started to grow in the tank. Yuks.
We went to Serangoon north to buy some real cheap goldfish as we are not sure if the goldfish will survive well in our tank since it has been occupied with sand for a long time. Wan Qi had a fun time from choosing goldfish to "fishing them out from the tank" and to releasing them into this small temporary fish tank.
Unfortunately, the goldfishes did not survive except one which might be partly due to Wan Qi's mischief as she kept taking out the air pump hose as seen from the picture :P
Poor fishies
We went to Serangoon north to buy some real cheap goldfish as we are not sure if the goldfish will survive well in our tank since it has been occupied with sand for a long time. Wan Qi had a fun time from choosing goldfish to "fishing them out from the tank" and to releasing them into this small temporary fish tank.
Unfortunately, the goldfishes did not survive except one which might be partly due to Wan Qi's mischief as she kept taking out the air pump hose as seen from the picture :P
Poor fishies
Wan Qi's Big Wan Qi
It has been a long time since I do art work with Wan Qi so decided to do one with her last last last weekday. Hee. She had fun painting but only on the red skirt. She kept painting over and over again on the skirt to the extent that the skirt might be torn at any time. Though I tried to persuade her to paint other parts of the picture, she still insisted on painting that part of the skirt and she kept saying the pic is called Big Wan Qi.

Wan Qi @Underwater Water during 30mths old Vs 11mths old
We went to Sentosa Underwater World after the PSLE when I was free. We brought Wan Qi there when she was eleven months old. How time files. This time round when we brought her there she was 2.5yrs old. Previously, I had to carry her throughout the trip and it was real crowded, my arm nearly fractured. Ha ha. This time round we just let her walk and run happily while carrying her occasionally for the feeding session (she tried to feed the stingray and touching the fishes which she enjoyed herself very much.) But looking at the picture, I missed the small small her. So cute. No wonder my mum always say she would love to see us staying at our tender age. :)
But after this trip, Xihong and I feel that its not really worth the money cos there isnt much to see. Quite a disappointment. Hopefully, Wan Qi benefitted from this trip.

But after this trip, Xihong and I feel that its not really worth the money cos there isnt much to see. Quite a disappointment. Hopefully, Wan Qi benefitted from this trip.
Orientation at Dayspring Kindergarden
Orientation at Dayspring Kindergarden- We did not stay through the whole orientation as Wan Qi need to go for her Gym lesson. The teachers seem to be nice. I hope they will be. Wan Qi was pretty chicky. She kept wanting to go out to the playground and cried when I brought her into the school premises. We then proceed to buy her uniforms. I look forward to see Wan Qi in her uniform. :P think will be quite cute.
Wan Qi at the GYM school
Wan Qi loves to go for her gym lesson as the instructor Mr Sng is a very humourous teacher who always make Wan Qi laugh. Over there Wan Qi get to do handstand, play the rings, climb up ladders, jump on the trampoline, etc etc. But most of all, I wanted her to learn to listen to instruction and obey it as the instructors are quite strict about that.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Fairy Tale - Rapunzel
I told Wan Qi quite a few stories before she slept just now. The last one was Rapunzel - the long hair girl story. I am afraid I might have read the wrong story to her as she was quite disturbed about the content of the story. I hope she wont have nightmare. :P
The starting of the story was about a couple stealing lettuce from a witch.
I asked Wan Qi "Is it correct to steal, then she told me it's wrong."
So not so bad. At least there is some moral values that I can teach her so I continued. Then the story went on saying that the witch caught the man who stole the lettuce and demanded him to give her their baby girl if they ever have one.
At this point of time, Wan Qi was a bit disturbed but I thought "Good ! Then it can reinforce that stealing is wrong." But after that when she saw the witch taking the baby girl away fron the couple, she was quite upset about it and she even told me she wants to hit the witch.
But this is not the worse, the worst part is when the witch pushed the prince down the tower and he became blind that made Wan Qi cry. Wow I didnt know that she actually understand the meaning blind plus I thought at such a young age she couldnt be so sentimental .
Anyway, I decided to keep the story away from her since it kind of upset her. :P
The starting of the story was about a couple stealing lettuce from a witch.
I asked Wan Qi "Is it correct to steal, then she told me it's wrong."
So not so bad. At least there is some moral values that I can teach her so I continued. Then the story went on saying that the witch caught the man who stole the lettuce and demanded him to give her their baby girl if they ever have one.
At this point of time, Wan Qi was a bit disturbed but I thought "Good ! Then it can reinforce that stealing is wrong." But after that when she saw the witch taking the baby girl away fron the couple, she was quite upset about it and she even told me she wants to hit the witch.
But this is not the worse, the worst part is when the witch pushed the prince down the tower and he became blind that made Wan Qi cry. Wow I didnt know that she actually understand the meaning blind plus I thought at such a young age she couldnt be so sentimental .
Anyway, I decided to keep the story away from her since it kind of upset her. :P
Bua Luku Tale
Suddenly, I thought of eating Bua Luku. And it reminded me of Wan Qi and I were eating Bua Luku a few weeks ago. We were eating Bua Luku together and she was making faces due to the sour bua luku and I laughed at her. Then she started laughing too. I was afraid that she might accidentally swallow the seed so I decided to tell her a lie. I told her sternly that she mustn't swallow the seed or else a Bua Luku tree will grow in her stomach and it wil pop out from her head.
Guess What? She looked at me and laughed and said "I don't believe you."
At that moment, I was stunned by her fast response and I started laughing at my own stupid lie. I must say I was quite impressed by her quick response that I shouted at my mum, wanting to tell my mum what Wah Qi said. Well, I remember back then when I was a little girl at the age of 6, my cousin also use the same old lie on me and hee hee it kind of made me ponder about it. haha mama is more stupid than daughter. Oh but can't be blamed back then children are more naive (hee excuse). But truly speaking, that's the truth. Nowadays, I don't understand what the children are thinking especially my P6 kids. They really motivate me to quit sometimes.
Guess What? She looked at me and laughed and said "I don't believe you."
At that moment, I was stunned by her fast response and I started laughing at my own stupid lie. I must say I was quite impressed by her quick response that I shouted at my mum, wanting to tell my mum what Wah Qi said. Well, I remember back then when I was a little girl at the age of 6, my cousin also use the same old lie on me and hee hee it kind of made me ponder about it. haha mama is more stupid than daughter. Oh but can't be blamed back then children are more naive (hee excuse). But truly speaking, that's the truth. Nowadays, I don't understand what the children are thinking especially my P6 kids. They really motivate me to quit sometimes.
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
At the beach @ East Coast
Jacob Balla Garden @ 30th August
Slide @ Treehouse. Quite scary for young kids.
Advisable to let children sit on an adult's lap.
One kid who is about Wan Qi's age actually turned
pale after sliding now and she kept saying she didnt want to slide again. In fact, I was quite scared too. :P
pale after sliding now and she kept saying she didnt want to slide again. In fact, I was quite scared too. :P
At the treehouse @ Jacob Balla Garden
Yipee !! It's the starting of Sep holiday so I pestered Xihong to bring Wan Qi to the Jacob Balla Garden. Actually I wanted to bring Wan Qi there since July as I heard the forum mums talking about it but haven got the time to do so. Finally, we made it there. We had great fun and Wan Qi got to see coffee plants, tea plants, cocoa tree etc. Thumbs up for this place.
Yipee !! It's the starting of Sep holiday so I pestered Xihong to bring Wan Qi to the Jacob Balla Garden. Actually I wanted to bring Wan Qi there since July as I heard the forum mums talking about it but haven got the time to do so. Finally, we made it there. We had great fun and Wan Qi got to see coffee plants, tea plants, cocoa tree etc. Thumbs up for this place.
Friday, August 1, 2008
Wan Qi at Shekinah
They were saying a choo choo train song.
Wan Qi at the Shekinah 's entrance.
Today is Wan Qi's third day at Shekinah. Xihong went for the first day while I went for the second and third day. But till now haven decided if I should let Wan Qi stay on. Through out these 3 days, she didnt cry when we left the place. In fact, she never notice that we had left the place. But it seems that she doesnt like the place either. Whenever I asked her if she likes the place she will say no. Yesterday, the answer was not very certain but today she was quite certain about it.
The only reason I can think of is because the teachers might have scolded her for pushing a boy called Russell. Apparently, I wanted to tell the teacher that this boy wanted to bite Wan Qi on the thigh (ouch if he really did it will definitely be very painful. But he didnt managed to cos Wan Qi pushed him away.)yesterday but decided to hold it until end of the lesson. I am not trying to complain but rather I wanted the teacher to pay more attention to this boy towards Wan Qi cos I am afraid that Wan Qi will push him away or even hit him when he wants to bite her. She is definitely not those soft girl who would be bullied lor. I am not sure if I should be happy or not. But I am scared that she will be laballed as being violent in the end which I think was what happened today. I told the teachers about this matter and they said this Russell actually wanted to kiss Wan Qi rather than bite Wan Qi but from what I had seen yesterday is bite leh. And for some reason he always target Wan Qi, dont know if its because he knows Wan Qi is a new comer or not. Hee hee call me a paranoid mother but I cant help it leh. Cos today after school Wan Qi was terribly naughty I would say. And I wonder if it is because she thinks that she is being wronged or what.
Apparently, Shekinah's fee is $400 plus per month for 2.5 hrs everyday. I find that the teacher is quite ok or rather the English teacher is quite ok but I find the Chinese teacher quite boring. Her lessons are boring too. But what I like about Shekinah is their montessori equipment which is quite a lot. Plus I like the fact that they conduct phonics lesson once a week. So I dont know whether to send Wan Qi over or not. Haiz , I know I am a fussy mummy even my mum said so. :P
So what do you think mummies. Oh ya an another thing today then i realise Wan Qi's group is very big , consist of 10 pupils instead of the promised 6 to 8. ????????? Dont know should let Wan Qi join or not.
Saturday, July 26, 2008
There's a thieve!!!
These two doggies were very obedient. We met them outside the coffeeshop. Wan Qi wanted to touch them but the owner said they bite so upon hearing that Wan Qi decided not to touch.
Wan Qi insisted on climbing down the stairs by herself and if you tried to hold her she will start all over again. She will go up to the top again and come down by herself. Xihong laughed and said restart restart whenever she did that.

Science lesson for Wan Qi haha! we introduce the plant mimosa to her.
Science lesson for Wan Qi haha! we introduce the plant mimosa to her.
Brought Wan Qi to a Tampines neighbourhood yesterday and we had our dinner there. Half way through, Xihong said he wanted to go and put one more car coupon so I waited in the coffee shop for him. While I was waiting, I noticed that my knapsack was gone so I thought he took it away and didnt pay much attention to it.
But after waiting for a while, I decided to look for him. I looked inside the car but couldnt see my knapsack so I asked him where is it. Then he said he didnt see it. Oh shit I thought to myself, my wallet and camera was inside my knapsack then I said :"Someone must have taken it while i was feeding Wan Qi!!!!"
Wan Qi heard me saying and added on "There is a thieve. He had stolen our bag. Papa go and chase him!" Upon hearing this, I was like Wow amazing she know how to use the word thieves and steal and even know how to ask papa to chase the thieve. I thought that was quite clever of her. :) Then I quickly asked Xihong to chase the "thieve".
When Xihong came back with the knapsack, he told me that he caught the person who stole our bag and I asked him several times "is it is it" then he burst out laughing and said no lah the bag was on the chair. aiyo me really sotong luckily nobody took the knapsack while I went to the carpark.
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Wan Qi's Lizard Nightmare
Wan Qi's mummy which is me is terrified of lizards. Whether it is a toy lizard or worse a real one, I am scared of it. Two days ago, a notorious student of mine brought a toy lizard into the class to scare people. Though I tried very hard to pretend that I am not scared, in the end I still gave up and asked Hui Li for help. Of course, the students had a great laugh.
Back at home, I complained to Xihong and I forgot if Wan Qi was present at that point of time. But I guess most probably she was. Cos yesterday night, Wan Qi suddenly screamed in her dream. Both Xihong and I got a fright. Then she shouted Lizard! Lizard! in mandarin and started crying in her dream. We woke her up from her dream and comforted her that there isnt any lizard. I also asked Xihong to pretend to throw the lizard out of the window. But she still said" no no its still over there." Then we had to reassured her before she went back to sleep. Poor thing, she inherited this fear from me. Sigh I also tried very hard not to show my fear for lizard in front of Wan Qi so that she wont be afraid but still she knew it. In fact, she knew when she was about 17mths old. There was once when my maid flipped those animal books that happens to have lizard, she actually told my maid "mama scared lizard". And my maid told me when I came back from work. Well, it was all because whenever there is a lizard at home, I will shout for my maid to help me. So Wan Qi probably heard me shouting lo. :P
Anyway, I told this to the principal and the boy was being suspended from school. Yipee revenge taken for Wan Qi. hahaha no la just kidding. The notorious boy together with another girl in my class were being suspended for other reasons. Sigh dont know what these kids are up to.
Anyway, hope Wan Qi is better today.
Back at home, I complained to Xihong and I forgot if Wan Qi was present at that point of time. But I guess most probably she was. Cos yesterday night, Wan Qi suddenly screamed in her dream. Both Xihong and I got a fright. Then she shouted Lizard! Lizard! in mandarin and started crying in her dream. We woke her up from her dream and comforted her that there isnt any lizard. I also asked Xihong to pretend to throw the lizard out of the window. But she still said" no no its still over there." Then we had to reassured her before she went back to sleep. Poor thing, she inherited this fear from me. Sigh I also tried very hard not to show my fear for lizard in front of Wan Qi so that she wont be afraid but still she knew it. In fact, she knew when she was about 17mths old. There was once when my maid flipped those animal books that happens to have lizard, she actually told my maid "mama scared lizard". And my maid told me when I came back from work. Well, it was all because whenever there is a lizard at home, I will shout for my maid to help me. So Wan Qi probably heard me shouting lo. :P
Anyway, I told this to the principal and the boy was being suspended from school. Yipee revenge taken for Wan Qi. hahaha no la just kidding. The notorious boy together with another girl in my class were being suspended for other reasons. Sigh dont know what these kids are up to.
Anyway, hope Wan Qi is better today.
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Wan Qi's Big Day - First Day of School at Talent Plus
On 1st July 2008, Wan Qi is all prepared to go to school. She has been looking forward to this day. After her first visit to the school, she will always drag me to her school while we were walking to PunggolPlaza.
It was a busy morning for all of us. I was busily preparing breakfast for her, bathing her, feeding her and dressing her. My mum laughed and said Wan Qi seems to be going to University - such a grand day. haha

Unfortunately, Talent Plus didnt turn out to be a good choice. On the very first day of school
the management was late. Parents waited for half an hour outside the school. They did a last minute mopping before the school starts. Sign.

I helped to let the kids form a circle to sing songs cos the teachers are not able to do so. Yes even when there are 3 teachers around. Sign.

It was a busy morning for all of us. I was busily preparing breakfast for her, bathing her, feeding her and dressing her. My mum laughed and said Wan Qi seems to be going to University - such a grand day. haha
Unfortunately, Talent Plus didnt turn out to be a good choice. On the very first day of school
the management was late. Parents waited for half an hour outside the school. They did a last minute mopping before the school starts. Sign.
I helped to let the kids form a circle to sing songs cos the teachers are not able to do so. Yes even when there are 3 teachers around. Sign.
Wan Qi listening attentively to the teacher.
In the end, after attending 5 days of lesson and paid an amt of $295 for the fees, I decided to stop sending Wan Qi to Talent Plus. The reason being the school is in a mess. The teachers are not able to handle the kids whose ages ranges from 18mths to 3 yrs old. Many times those younger kids nearly topple on Wan Qi cos they were wobbling around. There was once, a stranger came in and a boy nearly went out with him, luckily i was around to bring him in and the worst thing was the 3 teachers didnt notice it.
Then during the session, Wan Qi always come and tell me that school is over , she wants to go home. Subsequently its worse she told me that she doesnt want to go to school. Then I understoody why when i accompanied her on Youth Day. Simply becos the place is like a crying hell. There were no proper lessons being conducted and the children are crying like crazy and the teachers dont know what to do with them. They simply give them toys and play dough for them to play on their own. Worse some of the kids put those play dough in their mouths and the teachers didnt notice again. Phew after all these i thought i really should forgo the $295, cos i dont want Wan Qi to develope a phobia in schools. She have always love school - Shichida. She is always asking us When is Sunday? When is she going to Shichida? I must really reconsider of sending her back to Shichida. I guess.
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